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In the 1990s, renowned Texas progressive writer Molly Ivins regaled (and appalled) readers with her reports on the tragicomic awfulness of George W. Bush’s two terms as Texas’ governor. His tenure was notable for his deep ignorance, frat-boy arrogance, and flagrant servility to corporate interests. But those very qualities made America’s moneyed powers decide that–Wow!– he’d make a dandy president! Molly warned that this was madness, but in the 2000 race, W’s patrons stuffed him with money, buffed him up with PR Shinola, pulled off a post-election political heist… and squeegeed him, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, and that whole regime of horrors into office.
43-30A How Badly Do You Want A Really Bad President?
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In the 1990s, renowned Texas progressive writer Molly Ivins regaled (and appalled) readers with her reports on the tragicomic awfulness of George W. Bush’s two terms as Texas’ governor. His tenure was notable for his deep ignorance, frat-boy arrogance, and flagrant servility to corporate interests. But those very qualities made America’s moneyed powers decide that–Wow!– he’d make a dandy president! Molly warned that this was madness, but in the 2000 race, W’s patrons stuffed him with money, buffed him up with PR Shinola, pulled off a post-election political heist… and squeegeed him, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, and that whole regime of horrors into office.
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