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As a Texas high schooler many moons ago, I was the 115-pound outside linebacker on the Denison “Yellow Jackets” football team. Go bugs!
We won very few games, but we had spirit and some fun. Our coach, a down to Earth fellow paid a modest public school salary, tried to instill a bit of the sporting ethic in us: “Win or lose, give it your best;” “There is no ‘I’ in Team”… stuff like that.
42-28B Rich coaches teaching youngsters the game of life
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As a Texas high schooler many moons ago, I was the 115-pound outside linebacker on the Denison “Yellow Jackets” football team. Go bugs!
We won very few games, but we had spirit and some fun. Our coach, a down to Earth fellow paid a modest public school salary, tried to instill a bit of the sporting ethic in us: “Win or lose, give it your best;” “There is no ‘I’ in Team”… stuff like that.
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