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Right-wing Republicans and corporate Democrats have become a pathetic bunch of “No-can-do Nancys.”
Faced with an economy reeling from the plutocratic policies that these same lawmakers pushed down upon us, they are now whimpering that America is too weak to meet the obvious needs of its own people. “We must surrender to the Gods of Economic Despair,” they cry. At a time when history calls for our leaders to step forth with a bit of FDR boldness and rally grassroots people to rebuild our economy, they trumpet for retreat, giving up on America’s historic ideal of the common good.
13-28B 2010 Hightower Classic: Wimpy leaders ignore strong people
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Right-wing Republicans and corporate Democrats have become a pathetic bunch of “No-can-do Nancys.”
Faced with an economy reeling from the plutocratic policies that these same lawmakers pushed down upon us, they are now whimpering that America is too weak to meet the obvious needs of its own people. “We must surrender to the Gods of Economic Despair,” they cry. At a time when history calls for our leaders to step forth with a bit of FDR boldness and rally grassroots people to rebuild our economy, they trumpet for retreat, giving up on America’s historic ideal of the common good.
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