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Weather forecasters across the Southwest are having a hard time this summer coming up with descriptive taglines for each day’s ever-rising heat. If 105° is “hot”—what to call 110°… and up? Some have quit trying, simply labeling each day: “Again.”
Luckily Joe Biden has issued bold new steps to counter the relentless climate change that’s causing this extreme, killer heat.
32-31A It’s HOT… and Joe Biden Has a Website for That!
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Weather forecasters across the Southwest are having a hard time this summer coming up with descriptive taglines for each day’s ever-rising heat. If 105° is “hot”—what to call 110°… and up? Some have quit trying, simply labeling each day: “Again.”
Luckily Joe Biden has issued bold new steps to counter the relentless climate change that’s causing this extreme, killer heat.
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